Dr. Michael Krychman
Dr. Michael L. Krychman
As a doctor of sexual medicine, a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist and a clinical sexual counselor and author, Dr. Krychman has devoted his career to helping patients and their partners overcome sexual health challenges and experience a higher quality of physical intimacy. Dr. Krychman is also a specialist in survivorship medicine and provides life coaching and care plans to optimize the health and wellness of patients with chronic diseases or cancer. He actively continues to manage clinical care for many patients at UCI.
He has over 2 decades of experience collaborating with businesses and pharmaceutical companies to provide a wide variety of consultative services. In addition, he is a sought after national and international speaker.
Dr. Michael Krychman’s Biography
- Sexual Medicine Physician, world renowned, specialist in sexual health, expert in survivorship medicine
- Executive Director: The Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship, Newport Beach CA
- Medical Director, Ann’s Clinic: High Risk Breast Ovarian Center, University of California (Irvine)
- Clinical Health Professor, University of California (Irvine)
- Chief Medical Officer, Revibe Men’s Health
- CEO KMD Consulting Inc.
- Board Certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- AASECT Certified Sexual Counselor
- AASECT Certified Sexual Counselor Supervisor
- AASECT Associate in Sexual Education
- Nutrigenomics; Genetic Testing for Personalized Nutrition, Dieticians Of Canada
- Master’s in Public Health and Human Sexuality, Institute for Advanced Human Sexuality
- Certificate in Erotology and Study of Erotic Materials
- Certified Forensic Sexual Addiction Counselor
- Sexual Addiction Specialist
- Clinical Sexology
Previous Positions
- Hoag Presbyterian Hospital, Medical Director of Sexual Medicine
- Guest Professor, Human Sexuality Course, European Society of Sexual Medicine St. Catherine College, Oxford University, Oxford, England
- Guest International Faculty: Family Counseling Certificate Program Hattat Clinic- Gedik University- Communication Science Institute. Istanbul Turkey.
- Co-Director: The Sexual Medicine and Rehabilitation Program, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York City, NY
- Associate Clinical Attending Faculty: Cornell-Weil Medical School, New York City, NY
- Medical Director of Labor and Delivery: Temple University Hospital and Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia, PA